If you are asking this before buying a car, my role is to give you authentic suggestions that help you make the final decision. Indeed, the question of whether it is better to buy a petrol or electric car is one of the debated topics. As a customer, it depends on your needs and budget. Please read this post; today, I am going to compare the features and benefits of these two types of vehicles. 


  • The upfront cost of EVs is typically higher than that of traditional gasoline-powered vehicles, but they are cheaper to run and maintain over time.
  • EVs produce fewer emissions than gasoline-powered vehicles and are better for the environment.
  • The driving experience of EVs and gasoline-powered vehicles are different, with EVs offering instant torque and a smooth, quiet ride and gasoline-powered vehicles offering more power and control.
  • The range of EVs has improved significantly in recent years, with many models offering ranges of 350 miles or more. 
  • Nowadays, a growing network of fast charging stations is available, making it easier to recharge on long journeys.

Electric vs. Petrol Car: Cost

One of the most important factors to consider when buying a car is the cost or your budget. There is no denying that electric vehicles (EVs) are more expensive to purchase upfront than traditional gasoline-powered vehicles. However, several factors can offset this higher upfront cost and make EVs a more cost-effective choice in the long run.

Is It Better to Buy Petrol or Electric Car

Lower Maintenance Costs for EVs

First, EVs are much cheaper to run than gasoline-powered vehicles. According to the Alternative Fuel Data Center, if electricity costs ¢10.7 per kWh and the vehicle consumes 27 kWh to travel 100 miles, the cost per mile is about $0.03. 

Second, EVs are cheaper to maintain than gasoline-powered vehicles. With fewer moving parts and no engine or transmission. All these suggest EVs are often cheaper to maintain in the long run.

Government Subsidies

Finally, many countries offer incentives and subsidies for EV buyers, which can help to reduce the upfront cost of buying an EV. 

However, the truth is most EVs are available in the higher range; if you want to buy an EV at the price of a regular petrol car, you may have to compromise on quality. I suggest buying a higher-range EV that comes with a resale value in the next five years. If you do not sell, you can still save money in the long run by spending less on petrol and maintenance. 

Electric Car vs. Petrol Car: Environmental Impact

Another important factor to consider when buying a car is the environmental impact. EVs are much better for the environment than traditional gasoline-powered vehicles. EVs emit around half as much carbon dioxide as gasoline-powered vehicles, which makes them much better for the environment.

If you are an environmentally conscious buyer and want to reduce the car’s carbon footprint, you should choose an electric car instead of a petrol car. 

Petrol Car vs. EV: Driving Experience

The driving experience is another important factor to consider when buying a car. Some people prefer the traditional driving experience, while others prefer EVs’ smooth, quiet ride.

One of the biggest benefits of EVs is their instant torque, which provides a fun, zippy driving experience. It is possible because EVs deliver their power to the wheels directly, without the need for a transmission, which makes them feel much more responsive.

On the other hand, gasoline-powered vehicles tend to offer a more traditional driving experience, with a greater sense of power and control, which also offer a more thrilling driving experience.

electric cars vs regular cars

EV vs. Petrol Car: Range and Charging

One of the biggest concerns for many people regarding EVs is the range and charging time. I understand it is a real concern, but modern EVs have much longer ranges, and there are now many fast-charging networks available, which makes it easy to recharge on long journeys.

According to the US Department of Energy, the average range of an EV is around 234-430 miles, which is more than enough for most people’s daily driving needs.

With the development of fast charging networks, it is now possible to recharge an EV in as little as 30 minutes, which makes long journeys much more feasible.

According to the U.S. Department of Transportation, charging takes a minimum of 20 minutes to a maximum of a few hours. Here is the chart for you:

Level 1 Charger

  • 40-50 hours for BEV (battery electric vehicle)
  • 5-6 hours is enough for PHEV (plug-in hybrid electric vehicle).

Level 2 Charger

  • 4-10 hours for BEV
  • 2-5 hours for PHEV

Direct Current Fast Charging (DCFC)

  • 80% charge in BEV takes around 20 minutes to one hour.
  • DCFC does not support PHEV.

My View

Now have to make the final decision! In my opinion, if you have a lower budget and want an EV, you can buy a car for secondary use, which means the EV will not be suitable for long-distance travel. The world is moving towards greener energy, so buying an EV is better than investing in a petrol car. 

Please consider the above aspects; I hope this post will help you make an informed decision and choose the right car.

Frequently Asked Questions

What Happens to Electric Cars after 8 Years?

After eight years, many people believe the battery and other components of electric cars will degrade. Still, you can use your electric car even after eight years with proper maintenance and driving. 

Do Electric Cars Last Longer than Regular Cars?

With fewer components and better battery backup, electric cars last longer than regular cars. The world is moving towards greener energy, so if you are going to buy a new car, you should consider the eco-friendly option. 

Is It Better to Buy a Petrol or Electric Car?

Buying a car depends on your needs. Electric cars are generally more costly than petrol cars, so if you have a tight budget, you can consider a petrol car. Otherwise, if you want to buy a costly car with an installment payment, I recommend finding a green alternative with a higher resale value. 

Are Electric Cars Better than Normal Cars?

Electric cars are better than normal cars, especially when you want a car for short-distance travel. Generally, EVs can be costly because of high upfront costs, but you can save money in the long run with less maintenance.

Do Electric Cars Last Longer than Regular Cars?

Eclectic cars generally last longer than regular cars, but it depends on maintenance and driving habits. Electric cars come with fewer components that need less maintenance. Moreover, there is less chance of component degradation, so EVs generally last longer. 

Read More, 

How Long Does Electric Car Battery Last?

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