When your solar panels go into standby at night, they are not generating electricity because there is no sunlight to convert them into electricity via the photovoltaic effect. In this state, solar panels are essentially inactive and are not producing any power.

I understand it is a problem! You probably faced a blackout like the traditional system of electricity. In this article, I am going to share two solutions.

Many of you may have solar panels with grid-tied solar panels, and others have installed solar batteries. Read this article and learn how you can avoid such a situation without investing a single penny!

What Happens When Solar Panels Go into Standby at Night

What Happens If You Have Grid-tied Solar Panels?

If you have a grid-tied solar panel system, you will be drawing electricity from the grid to power your home or business when your solar panels go into standby mode at night. 

Any excess electricity generated by your solar panels during the day that was sent to the grid will be credited to your account, which you can use to offset the cost of the electricity you are using at night.

Now, in other case-

What Happens If You Have a Solar Battery System?

If you have a solar battery system or a solar plus storage system, you can use the stored electricity from your batteries to power your home or business at night instead of drawing from the grid. 

By storing excess energy during the day and using that energy during the night, you can keep your home or business running even when the sun is not shining!

There can be a third scenario:

Solar Panels can Go into Standby during Maintenance

Did you know that during maintenance or repair of your solar panel system, it will also go into standby mode? 

In such a case, panels will not produce electricity, and the electricity will come from the grid or the backup battery system if you have one.

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Which Solution is Suitable for Your Solar System?

I think grid-tie solar and solar battery systems are both suitable solutions to have a continuous power supply. Moreover, both of these systems come with an extra cost, installation and maintenance. 

I would recommend consulting with an expert to check which solution would be the best for your specific situation, considering factors such as your energy usage, your budget, and the resources available in your area.

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