Top 100 Motivational Quotes on Women Safety in 2023


Top 100 Motivational Quotes on Women Safety in 2023

Here are the best collection of women safety and women economic empowerment quotes. You can share it on WhatsApp with your friends.

A quotation is a nice way to speak everything in a natural manner. You can visit this page when you feel distressed. We are always with you.



Top Motivational Quotes on Women Safety
Top Motivational Quotes on Women Safety
  1. Women’s safety is more important than Men’s Feelings.

Indeed, women’s safety is more important. Biologically, men are stronger than women is. But in our society, women’s safety should be an integral part of it. It should be part of the education system. 

What do you think about it? Please, tell us in the comments.


Motivational Quotes for Women Safety
Motivational Quotes for Women Safety

  1. A Woman Should be the Best Friend of Other Women.

Well, is not it?
I think so. But practically, I often see different scenarios. In movies, short films, serials also we often watch that an age-old woman is looking down upon a modern woman. This should not be the case. But yes it is- the CASE. What do you think?

Motivational Quotes for Women Safety
Motivational Quotes for Women Safety

  1. The Security of Nation is Depends on both Men and Women.

You should respect the law, integrity, and unity of a country. You should respect the bonding of a man and a woman. A husband always protects his wife. But why not all men should protect other women and vice versa?  

What do you think? Do you help other men? OR Do you help and protect other women?

Read more quotes
30 Motivational Quotes on women Empowerment 

Inspirational Quotes on Women Safety
Motivational Quotes for Women Safety
  1. Men Must Change Their Mindset Towards Women.

There are some men, who need o change their mindset. Most of the men are well mannered especially, the younger generation. But as a man, you should respect the rights of a woman. 


Here, I want to present the effects of woman reservations. Yes, that is good. But a woman should have a similar capability as a man in respect of education and job. It has some pros and cons. However, it is true, that men should change their mindset.


Inspirational Quotes on Women Safety
Inspirational Quotes on Women Safety

  1. Any Society that Fails to Motivate Women is Not Modern

If any society cannot nurture the woman, cannot respect women, then sorry to say, society can be developed; can be wealthy but not modern and rich. 

A society should have dignity, security, and respect for women. Society should encourage men as well as women to achieve the top of their abilities.


Inspirational Quotes on Women Safety
Inspirational Quotes on Women Safety

  1. If You are a Man, You Should Respect the Dignity, Integrity, and Rights of a Woman.

A man should respect the dignity, integrity, and rights of women. Most of the men do this. Still, we need little more practice and attention in society. We all can make the Utopia for us.

Are you trying to make your society- the Utopia?

Top Women Safety and Empowerment Quotes from Famous Actress, Writers and Feminists

Now, empowerment quotes from some famous actress, writers, singers and feminists

“We need to reshape our own perception of how we view ourselves. We have to step up as women and take the lead.”

                                                                           –  Beyoncé

“We need women at all levels, including the top, to change the dynamic, reshape the conversation, to make sure women’s voices are heard and heeded, not overlooked and ignored.”

                                                                 -Sheryl Sandberg

Read more quotes
30 Motivational Quotes on women Empowerment

“Women are leaders everywhere you look—from the CEO who runs a Fortune 500 company to the housewife who raises her children and heads her household. Our country was built by strong women, and we will continue to break down walls and defy stereotypes.”

                                                                       -Nancy Pelosi

“I am not free while any woman is unfree, even when her shackles are very different from my own.”

                                                                       -Audre Lorde

 “There’s something so special about a woman who dominates in a man’s world. It takes a certain grace, strength, intelligence, fearlessness, and the nerve to never take no for an answer.”

                                                                              – Rihanna

“A woman with a voice is, by definition, a strong woman.”

                                                                      -Melinda Gates


“Women belong in all places where decisions are being made. … It shouldn’t be that women are the exception.”

                                                            –Ruth Bader Ginsburg


  “I love to see a young girl go out and grab the world by the lapels. Life’s a bitch. You’ve got to go out and kick ass.”

                                                                        -Maya Angelou

“The more I have spoken about feminism the more I have realized that fighting for women’s rights has too often become synonymous with man-hating. If there is one thing I know for certain, it is that this has to stop.”

                                                                       -Emma Watson

“Feminism is for everybody.”

                                                                             -Bell Hooks

These are the most important quotes on
women empowerment and women beauty
that I feel very helpful for you.
Please, comments down your thoughts after reading it. 

You can contact me
on my email id. We are always there for you.

Best wishes,



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