“My Floating Solar Fountain Will Not Stay in One Spot”: Do You Want 7 Easy Solutions?

A mini solar fountain operates in direct sunlight. Generally, it is a small, black disc with solar panels and pumps inside the item. The black disk is the in-built solar panel that operates in the daylight. Please note that the product does not come with solar batteries, and you cannot use external batteries. The most appealing part is that they have five or four nozzles that provide different types of streams to attract birds and increase the beauty of the premises.

How Do You Keep a Solar Fountain in Place

A lot of people have issues with the solar fountain that floats because it does not remain in one spot. A mini solar fountain for bird baths generally moves from one place to another. In this article, I am going to tell you seven easy methods on how to keep a solar fountain in place and solve this issue.

How Do You Keep a Solar Fountain in Place?

If you are looking to set a fountain in a small pond or vessel, you could try the following. These are all common DIY solutions.

Use Hooks

Hooks can be used to set it in an exact area in the pond. Clip hooks are another alternative tool to stop the fountain from moving.

Use Aquarium Bricks

Placing some aquarium bricks close to the solar pump to block its path is a great idea. If not, you can use concrete blocks as an alternative. These bricks will not harm the fountain.

How Do You Keep a Solar Fountain for Bird Baths in Place?

Do not like the previous methods! You can also apply the following methods to keep the item in place.

Use Thread

Two threads can be used to set them in a place within the vessel. It is necessary to connect it to the two sides of the vessels. Instead of thread, you can use artificial plants to connect the fountain.


Make Use of a Bowl

If you have an indoor pool, you can place a decorated bowl to keep the fountain in place. Mini solar fountains with such decorated bowls can enhance the beauty of your indoor areas. Make sure you put the bowl in such an area that the fountain has enough water to run the system.

Make Use of Sticks

Using glue tape, you can connect four sticks to hold the fountain within the center of a tiny pond. It is a great idea for a rectangular or round pond.

How Do You Anchor a Floating Solar Fountain?

However, if you own a large lake, it is recommended to set up a floating fountain in the following manner. However, your mini solar fountains will not be suitable for these purposes; please buy a long solar fountain. The best part is that you can set up external solar panels and batteries to run the system 24/7 without electricity. It is suitable for large commercial premises because you need a one-time investment to set up the fountain; after that, you do not have to spend much on maintenance. Besides that, it does not consume on-grid electricity!

Use Blocks

You must set the solar fountain at the bottom of the large lake. You will require a boat to access the central part of the lake. You must utilize blocks to anchor around 5 ‘ apart. To learn more, it is recommended to consult a specialist for guidance on weights and anchoring procedures.

Using Long Ropes

It is necessary to attach the fountain to the shores of the lake. However, please ensure that the ropes are kept under the water. Otherwise, it would not appear attractive. Attach 2/4 ropes to the pump’s handle and tie the ropes on one side of the beach. This helps ensure that the fountain is in a specific location.

Are Floating Solar Fountains Any Good?

A floating solar fountain is an excellent option because it draws birds to your yard and enhances the beauty of your premises (especially commercial properties), which is beneficial for you and your guests. It can be a relaxing method for homeowners. They can relax outdoors. Additionally, you can hear the birds chirping when you wake up early in the morning.

Are Floating Solar Fountains Operational at Night?

They do not contain a battery that stores energy, so floating solar fountains do not operate at night.

Floating solar fountains are equipped with solar panels that are located on the upper side of the disc. They absorb direct sunlight and transmit electricity to the pump.

Are Floating Solar Fountains a Good Option During Cloudy or Winter Days?

The floating solar fountains do not function properly on winter or cloudy days due to a lack of sunlight. If the panels receive direct sunlight, fountains can perform. In most cases, floating solar fountains do not operate at their optimum state during the winter or cloudy days.

Now it is time to apply any of these methods to your floating solar fountain. Bookmark this page, and please do not forget to comment about your experience. 

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